A Visual Analogy Guide to Human Anatomy & Physiology, 4e

By Paul A. Krieger  •  
•  608
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Print ISBN  9781640434271
• eBook ISBN  9781640434288
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The Visual Analogy Guide to Human Anatomy & Physiology, 4e is an affordable and effective study aid for students enrolled in an introductory anatomy and physiology sequence of courses. This book uses visual analogies to assist the student in learning the details of human anatomy and physiology. Using these analogies, students can take things they already know from experiences in everyday life and apply them to anatomical structures and physiological concepts with which they are unfamiliar. This core concepts book offers a variety of learning activities for students such as, labeling diagrams, creating their own drawings, or coloring existing black-and-white illustrations to better understand the material presented.

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What's New in this Edition
Table of Contents
About the Author
  • Covers all major human organ systems and includes sections on basic cell biology and histology.
  • Visual analogies, mnemonic devices, conceptual illustrations, and labeling and coloring exercises help students learn the details and concepts of human anatomy and physiology.
  • Analogies and other key concepts are presented in a modular format with the text on the even-numbered pages and illustrations and analogies on the facing odd-numbered page.
  • Large, high-quality, original illustrations are presented in two colors.
  • Students may choose to color these illustrations to aid their comprehension of the material.
  • Helpful icons throughout each book identify microscopic structures, study tips, and two- and three-dimensional structures.
  • For fill-in-the-blank sections, the answers are found on the facing page. This allows students to learn not only though self-quizzing but also through the process of rewriting the correct information in the labeling areas.
What's New in this Edition
  • 7 new modules
    • Lungs
    • Lymph nodes
    • Stages of labor
    • Tracheobronchial tree
    • Breast anatomy
    • Larynx and vocal folds
    • Liver
  • Four modules moved into new chapter on human development (Ch. 21)
  • 32 updated modules
  • 46 revised anatomical illustrations
  • Illustrations revised to reflect a higher percentage of diverse figures
  • Improved glossary of key terms
  • Each chapter now lists the modules in that section
  • Edited to improve accuracy
Table of contents
How to Use This Book
Abbreviations and Symbols
Visual Analogy Index
Language of Anatomy
Physiology Overview
Cells: Structure and Function
Integumentary System
Skeletal System
Muscular System
Nervous System
Endocrine System
Special Senses
Cardiovascular System
Lymphatic System
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Metabolic Physiology
Urinary System
Reproductive Systems
Pregnancy and Pre-Embryonic Development
Glossary of Prefixes and Suffixes
About the Author

Paul A. Krieger

For nearly 20 years, Paul A. Krieger has taught courses in human anatomy and physiology, general biology, and general chemistry to students in the United States and abroad. Long active in community outreach programs at local schools and regional science festivals, Paul has written and illustrated the best-selling Visual Analogy Guide series, which includes separate guides for anatomy, physiology, anatomy and physiology, and chemistry.

Professor Krieger is an active member of many scientific and professional associations including the Human Anatomy & Physiology Society, the Michigan Science Teachers Association, and Michigan Community College Biologists. He has successfully presented numerous workshops at the local, state, and national levels on topics such as improving the teaching and learning process. In addition to teaching, Paul is an accomplished artist. He lives with his wife and son in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
