General Chemistry Experiments, Revised 2e

By Jerry L. Mills, Roy E. Mitchell  •  
•  284
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Print ISBN  9781617317705
• eBook ISBN  9781617317880
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The straightforward, time-tested General Chemistry Laboratory Experiments is appropriate for two-semester general chemistry courses at the college level.

Our Chemistry Laboratory Series is designed to actively engage your students in the process of learning how to be curious, precise, and safe in the laboratory. Our manuals are clearly written, engagingly illustrated, and affordably priced to make sure that your students’ first experiences in the laboratory provide a solid foundation for their future studies.

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Table of Contents
Instructor Resources
  • INITIATE your study of the basic concepts in the general chemistry laboratory by reading through concise introductory material.
  • INVESTIGATE the mysteries of matter by following the clearly written procedures and recording data and observations on the data sheets provided.
  • INTEGRATE your knowledge of each laboratory topic by making sense of the data you have collected.
Table of contents
Periodic Table
Experiment 1: Introduction to Chemical Reactions
Experiment 2: Scientific Measurements
Experiment 3: Separation of Mixtures
Experiment 4: Paper Chromatography
Experiment 5: Formula of Magnesium Oxide
Experiment 6: Determination of the Formula of a Hydrate
Experiment 7: Gas Laws
Experiment 8: Measurement of the Universal Gas Constant
Experiment 9: Molecular Weight of a Volatile Liquid
Experiment 10: Molecular Weight of a Solute
Experiment 11: Coefficients in a Chemical Equation
Experiment 12: Activity Series of Metals
Experiment 13: Basics of Acid-Base Titration
Experiment 14: Applications of Acid-Base Titrations
Experiment 15: Analysis of Stomach Antacid Tablet
Experiment 16: Acid-Base Equilibria
Experiment 17: Measurement of pH
Experiment 18: Equilibrium Constant of a Complex
Experiment 19: Spectrophotometric Chromium Analysis
Experiment 20: Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Mercury
Experiment 21: Analysis of the Amount of Phosphate in Water
Experiment 22: Titrations with Permanganate
Experiment 23: Determination of Calcium Content in Hard Water
Experiment 24: Heat of Reaction
Experiment 25: Measuring the Order of a Reaction
Experiment 26: Molecular Models
Experiment 27: Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory
Experiment 28: Preparation of Sodium Bicarbonate and Sodium Carbonate
Experiment 29: Preparation of an Inorganic Copper Compound
Experiment 30: Recovery of Aluminum
Experiment 31: Synthesis of the Drug Aspirin
Experiment 32: Preparation and Properties of Soap
Experiment 33: Analysis of Solids in Cigarette Smoke
Experiment 34: Preparation of Ethyl Alcohol by Fermentation
Experiment 35: Solubility of Calcium Sulfate
Experiment 36: Solubility of a Salt in Water
Experiment 37: Anion Tests of Known Solutions
Experiment 38: Anion in an Unknown Solution
Experiment 39: Cations in Group I
Experiment 40: Cations in Group II
Experiment 41: Cations in Group III
Experiment 42: Cations in Groups IV and V
Experiment 43: Unknown Cation
Experiment 44: Unknown Salt
Instructor Resources

The online instructor resources include suggested course outlines and answers to questions in the book.
