Microbiology: Laboratory Theory & Application, Brief, 3e

By Michael J. Leboffe, Burton E. Pierce  •  
•  656
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Print ISBN  9781617314773
• eBook ISBN  9781617315602
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This manual is appropriate for courses populated primarily by allied health students or for courses where an abbreviated number of experiments is preferred. This new edition has been carefully revised to provide increased clarity, better organization, and improvements to its already unsurpassed photography and artwork. These features combine to make Microbiology: Laboratory Theory & Application the best-selling microbiology lab manual series on the market.

The following grid illustrates the primary audience and coverage differences between the three titles in the Microbiology: Laboratory Theory and Application series.

Examples of interior pages:


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What's New in this Edition
Table of Contents
Versions and Packages
Instructor Resources


  • This manual contains 85 exercises geared towards allied health and nonmajors students, including:
    • A wide sampling of selective media and differential tests
    • Select exercises covering areas of applied microbiology.
  • Theory and Application provide students with the general principles and everyday purpose of the labs.
  • In This Exercise clearly explains what students can expect as they work through the Lab Procedures.
  • Biochemical reactions for the organism and indicator reactions of the test depict the reactions taking place in the lab.
  • MaterialsMedium Recipes, and Procedures give students step-by-step instructions for conducting the labs. Biosafety levels are also included so that students are aware of the safety precautions necessary for each lab.
  • Tables of results help students organize and interpret results.
  • Data sheets provide students room to record their data and answer critical thinking questions.
  • High-qualityfull-color photographsmicrographs, and illustrations ensure that students have color-accurate visual representations of what they will see in the lab.
  • Photographs and procedural diagrams outline the steps necessary to correctly complete the lab.
  • Photographs with directional arrows help ensure students use proper technique.
  • Clearly written, informative captions help ensure students use proper technique in the lab.

Instructor Resources Available: Login to view Instructor Resources

  • An online Instructor's Manual contains tips for the instrcutor and answers to all of the exercises.
  • All of the images from the lab manual are provided electronically. Images are presented at digital display resolution (150 dpi), intended for use in PowerPoint presentations.
  • Digital Test Bank contains questions to help instructors build tests and quizzes that can either be printed or exported to commonly used distance learning platforms.
What's New in this Edition
  • Exercises are appropriate for both majors and nonmajors courses and have been selected to provide exposure to lab experiences from all areas of microbiology.
  • This version features more than 300 full-color, high-quality, color-accurate photographs, micrographs, and illustrations.
  • Where possible, biosafety level (BSL) 2 organisms have been replaced with equivalent BSL-1 organisms.
  • Data sheets are incorporated into the experiments for ease of use.
  • The lab manual emphasizes the content and inclusion of skills as advised by the American Society for Microbiology in their Laboratory Core Curriculum.
Table of contents
Introduction: Safety and Laboratory Guidelines
Section 1: Fundamental Skills for the Microbiology Laboratory
Section 1: Introductory Pages
Exercise 1-1: Glo Germ™ Hand Wash Education System
Exercise 1-2: A Comparison of Hand-Cleansing Agents
Exercise 1-3: Nutrient Broth and Nutrient Agar Preparation
Exercise 1-4: Common Aseptic Transfers and Inoculation Methods
Exercise 1-5: Streak Plate Methods of Isolation
Exercise 1-6: Spread Plate Method of Isolation
Section 2: Microbial Growth
Section 2: Introductory Pages
Exercise 2-1: Ubiquity of Microorganisms
Exercise 2-2: Colony Morphology
Exercise 2-3: Growth Patterns on Slants
Exercise 2-4: Growth Patterns in Broth
Exercise 2-5: Evaluation of Media
Exercise 2-6: Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
Exercise 2-7: Anaerobic Jar
Exercise 2-8: The Effect of Temperature on Microbial Growth
Exercise 2-9: The Effect of pH on Microbial Growth
Exercise 2-10: The Effect of Osmotic Pressure on Microbial Growth
Physical and Chemical Methods of Pathogen Control
Exercise 2-11: Steam Sterilization
Exercise 2-12: The Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on Microbial Growth
Exercise 2-13: Effectiveness of Chemical Germicides: The Use-Dilation Test for Disinfectants and Antiseptics
Section 3: Microscopy and Staining
Section 3: Introductory Pages
Exercise 3-1: Introduction to the Light Microscope (includes p. 142)
Exercise 3-2: Calibration of the Ocular Micrometer
Exercise 3-3: Microscopic Examination of Eukaryotic Microbes
Exercise 3-4: Simple Stains (includes pg. 173-176)
Exercise 3-5: Negative Stains
Exercise 3-6: Gram Stain
Exercise 3-7: Acid-Fast Stains
Exercise 3-8: Capsule Stain
Exercise 3-9: Endospore Stain
Exercise 3-10: Bacterial Motility: Wet Mount and Hanging Drop Preparations
Exercise 3-11: Bacterial Motility: Flagella
Exercise 3-12: Morphological Unknown
Section 4: Selective Media
Section 4: Introductory Pages
Exercise 4-1: Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar
Exercise 4-2: Columbia CNA with 5% Sheep Blood Agar
Exercise 4-3: Mannitol Salt Agar
Exercise 4-4: MacConkey Agar
Exercise 4-5: Eosin Methylene Blue Agar
Exercise 4-6: Hektoen Enteric Agar
Section 5: Differential Tests
Section 5: Introductory Pages
Exercise 5-1: Oxidation-Fermentation (O-F) Test
Exercise 5-2: Phenol Red Fermentation Broth
Exercise 5-3: Methyl Red and Voges-Proskauer Tests
Exercise 5-4: Catalase Test
Exercise 5-5: Oxidase Test
Exercise 5-6: Nitrate Reduction Test
Exercise 5-7: Citrate Utilization Test
Exercise 5-8: Amino Acid Decarboxylation (Decarboxylase Tests)
Exercise 5-9: Phenylalanine Deaminase Test
Exercise 5-10: Starch Hydrolysis (Amylase Test)
Exercise 5-11: DNA Hydrolysis (DNase Test)
Exercise 5-12: Lipid Hydrolysis (Lipase Test)
Exercise 5-13: Casein Hydrolysis (Casease Test)
Exercise 5-14: Gelatin Hydrolysis (Gelatinase Test)
Exercise 5-15: Urea Hydrolysis (Urease Test)
Exercise 5-16: Bile Esculin Test
Exercise 5-17: L-pyrrolidonyl-B-naphthylamide Hydrolysis (PYR Test)
Exercise 5-18: SIM Medium: Determination of Sulfur Reduction, Indole Production, and Motility
Exercise 5-19: Triple Sugar Iron Agar/Kligler Iron Agar
Exercise 5-20: Bacitracin, Novobiocin and Optochin Susceptibility Tests
Exercise 5-21: Blood Agar
Exercise 5-22: CAMP Test
Exercise 5-23: Coagulase and Clumping Factor Tests
Exercise 5-24: Motility Agar
Section 6: Quantitative Techniques
Section 6: Introductory Pages
Exercise 6-1: Environmental Sampling: The RODAC™ Plate
Exercise 6-2: Standard Plate Count (Viable Count)
Exercise 6-3: Urine Culture
Exercise 6-4: Plaque Assay of Virus Titer
Exercise 6-5: Differential Blood Cell Count
Section 7: Medical, Environmental, and Food Microbiology
Section 7: Introductory Pages
Exercise 7-1: Snyder Test
Exercise 7-2: Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test: Disk Diffusion (Kirby-Bauer) Method
Exercise 7-3: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Assignment
Exercise 7-4: Epidemic Simulation
Exercise 7-5: Membrane Filter Technique
Exercise 7-6: Multiple Tube Fermentation Method for Total Coliform Determination
Exercise 7-7: Methylene Blue Reductase Test (MBRT)
Exercise 7-8: Making Yogurt
Section 8: Microbial Genetics and Serology
Section 8: Introductory Pages
Exercise 8-1: Extraction of DNA from Escherichia coli Cells
Exercise 8-2: Bacterial Transformation: the pGLO™ System
Exercise 8-3: Ultraviolet Radiation Damage and Repair
Introduction to Antigens and Antibodies & Serological Reactions
Exercise 8-4: Slide Agglutination: The Salmonella O Antigen
Exercise 8-5: Blood Typing
Exercise 8-6: ELISA For Detecting Antibodies in a Patient's Sample (The Antibody Capture Method)
Section 9: Identification of Unknowns
Section 9: Introductory Pages
Exercise 9-1: Identification of Selected Enterobacteriaceae
Exercise 9-2: Identification of Selected Gram-Positive Cocci
Exercise 9-3: Identification of Selected Gram-Positive Rods
Exercise 9-4: api® 20 E Identification System for Enterobacteriaceae and Other Gram-Negative Rods
Exercise 9-5: EnteroPluri-Test
Appendix A: Biochemical Pathways
Appendix B: Miscellaneous Transfer Methods
Appendix C: Transfers Using a Glass Pipette
Appendix D: Transfers from a Broth Culture Using a Digital Pipette
Appendix E: Medium, Reagent, and Stain Recipes
Versions and Packages

A version of this manual is available with microbiology lab kits created by Avantor/VWR (Ward's Science): link.  The manual aligns with the distance learning lab exercises available within the kit.



Instructor Resources
  • An online Instructor's Manual contains tips for the instrcutor and answers to all of the exercises.
  • All of the images from the lab manual are provided electronically. Images are presented at digital display resolution (150 dpi), intended for use in PowerPoint presentations.
  • Digital Test Bank contains questions to help instructors build tests and quizzes that can either be printed or exported to commonly used distance learning platforms.